Dub Addiction
DJ Alan Ritchie
DJ Sequence
Under RENAISSANCE lille3000 with the aircraft prepares you a special evening under the sign of Cambodia. Deprived of any form of culture under the Khmer Rouge regime in the 70s, the country is now experiencing an incredible effervescence under the leadership of a youth who is interested in any new form of musical expression. With Dub Addiction, the collective flavor that blends brilliantly with reggae, dub and traditional music. Klapyahandz for the alternative hip-hop that came upset the Khmer music. DJ Alan Ritchie House to its unique, highly influential in England in the early 90s, and then in Denmark, Vietnam, and Cambodia recently installed. Ditto for DJ Sequence, a veteran of the scene Drum’n’Bass / Jungle Londoner, now reside … Phnom Penh.
Presale full price: € 8 /: 10 € Price Student / -18 years: 5 € (within the limit of seats available at this price) Aircraft or subscriber price lille3000 day pass: € 4
Tickets available at
Location : L’Aéronef, Lille, France