We’ve decided to let the good times roll, so this week we’re doing one final warm up before New Years!
With a gaggle of the old ninjas back in the proverbial stew this one’s sure to be one hell of a night!..
Returning from his self-imposed hiatus under a rock the sometimes sage, Master of the metaphysics Xuanxue makes his triumphant return this week along side all your favourite Pirate Lords and Gypsy Kings; the crustiest of cutthroats Clemens Schmal, the devistatingly dastardly Dave Breeze, the beast of brekky buffets world over, Melbourne’s renowned Breakfast Club OG, the one and only Steph Yeah! And last but not least, securing the D-Floor since day zero the most terrifying of teddy-bears Mr. Misha AKA The Ginger Ninja!
Some come kick up some dust and show us your swampiest Spongebob step this Wednesday!..
Xuanxue // Clem // Dave Breeze // Steph Yeah // The Ginger Ninja
As ever doors open 10pm ‘till 10am. FREE before 11pm and $7 thereafter!
Consume and contend crustaceans!
Find us in the jungle between Otres and Ream national park.
Tuktuks all round Sihanoukville knows how to get to us but if u choose to drive (safely!!) here is a map to follow. Basically get on to Otres, drive through the village until you end up at a t-crossing with a school and a Pagoda (a local temple) where u turn right and follow the road for about 2km til u hit the spot with a moto parking area and entry point.