Awesome new Electro mix from Alan Ritchie!

Phnom Penh Underground

Awesome new Electro mix from Alan Ritchie!

“We’re not really interested in tearing you up with the scratches and cuts tonight.

We’re most interested in…educating you for the future…”

Derrick May, WJLB Radio mix.

One of the finest DJs on the Phnom Penh scene, Sir Alan Ritchie drops his first mix for a while exclusively on Phnom Penh Underground

This time Alan takes us on a trip thru some of the finest Electro influenced Techno from the last 3 decades with stand out tracks from the likes of Aux 88, 7. Hardfloor, The Advent and, of course, a liberal selection of tracks from the mighty Drexciya.

So, plug into the Neural Net, engage all systems and prepare yourself for the music of the future, mixed by a master.

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1. Intro – Mike Ash – Stop the Machines
2. Drexciya – Song of the Green Whale
3. Sandrow M – Dream Controlling
4. Christian Smith – Motor
5. Commuter – Foundation
6. Matt Whitehead – Lunashock
7. Hardfloor – 4th Dimension of the 5th Ward
8. Arcanoid – Force of Gravity
9. Krypton 81 – Decoded Signal
10. Anthony Rother – Medium
11. Drexciya – You Don’t Know
12. Jon E. Alpha – Solar Flare
13. Aux 88 – Tokyo Drive
14. Fleck E.S.C. – Estimation
15. Jon E. Alpha – Fried Synapsesz
16. Mike Ash – Four Boxes
17. Plant 43 – Twilight Sequence
18. The Other People Place – Let Me Be Me
19. Morphology – Magnetospheric
20. Scape One – The Read Tea Room
21. Anthony Rother – Genstruktur
22. Mike Ash – Acid Malfunction
23. E.R.P – El Camino
24. Hardfloor – The Life We Choose (E.R.P. Remix)
25. Arne Wineberg – Oblivion (Duplex Remix)
26. E.R.P – Burp
27. The Advent – Eurodynamic
28. Claro Intelectro – Peace of Mind