New Mix – Phnom Penh Underground Volume 2 – Simon C Vent

Phnom Penh Underground

New Mix – Phnom Penh Underground Volume 2 – Simon C Vent

PPUG2Its been a while in the making, but we’re finally ready to come correct with Volume 2 of our exclusive mix series, highlighting the very best in underground talent.

So step up, Simon C Vent, the man recently voted Phnom Penh’s top DJ. Join him on a ride thru the outer reaches of house and techno that epitomises the forward thinking, euphoric and deep style thats seen him playing to packed crowds up and down the Kingdom of Wonder.

[soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Mix – Phnom Penh Underground Volume 2 – Simon C Vent